The Chiswick Rate Books show both to have been owned by ‘Messrs. Unfortunately the Wheatstone ‘Red Book’ 4 ledger for the period 6th April 1848–31st December 1850 is missing, so I cannot be more specific about the date, though the highest serial number in the previous ledger 5 is 1495, sold on 14th November 1847, and the last recorded sale is that of 1126, a second-hand instrument, to George Case, 6 on 5th April 1848.ĭuring the years 1853-1858, Lachenal occupied Alpha and Omega Cottages, British School Lane, 7 Chiswick, as a ‘House’ and ‘Manufactory’, 8 respectively ( see Fig.
3 The first instruments have numbers in the 1500s series, the earliest example that I know of being number 1563 in my own collection ( see Fig. by Louis Lachenal, started to be sold in, or shortly after, April 1848.
Concertinas of a new-and revolutionary-‘mass produced’ model, 2 manufactured for C.